Frequently Asked Questions

Making the right decisions for your student can be overwhelming. Our commitment is to arm you with the knowledge to make the best choices for your family. It really is our favorite part of what we do, besides working with students, of course. If you don’t find your answer here, please reach out to us.

Colleges are happy to look at either score, so we are big believers in picking one test and sticking to it. Prepping for both can divide your efforts rather than give you solid results.

It is generally thought that the ACT has a more even balance between Math/Science and English/Reading material, and that the SAT favors students with stronger humanities backgrounds. We encourage students to take a diagnostic test for both early in their junior year to see which seems like a better fit.

As a part of our process, we evaluate each student’s particular circumstances and strengths to give us the information we need to guide you to the best choice. ​

That depends on your student’s needs and time frame. For students preparing for their first test, a 15-hour package is often ideal. That package will allow plenty of time to go over material and get in lots of practice. For students on a tighter timeline, the 10-hour package can be a great choice. For students who prefer to be able to practice over a longer period or who need to make bigger score increases, the 20-hour package is often the best option.

While most students choose to complete packages, we do also offer individual sessions. These are ideal for students who have already taken the test and want more targeted practice in one or two subject areas, as well as for students who have a very limited amount of time before the test.

Ideally, sessions last for one hour and take place one to two times a week. However, we can meet more often or do 1.5- or 2-hour sessions if necessary. It’s best to meet regularly enough that students will retain the information but not so often or for so long that they get overwhelmed. We recommend leaving at least one day between sessions to allow students to complete homework.

We are career educators with nearly two decades’ worth of experience working with students who have learning differences. We’ve helped students with dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, executive-function differences, and more improve their scores on the ACT and SAT for college placement. We understand that the path to understanding material is different for every student and are committed to finding the best way for each student.

Accommodations are an incredibly important part of students giving their best performance. We offer extended time practice tests so that students are practicing their pacing according to their timing on test day. We also provide coaching on how to approach the test to maximize extended time. 

We would if we could! Unfortunately, registering for these exams requires quite a few pieces of personal information, so we have to leave it to you. The earlier you sign up, the better: certain testing locations tend to fill faster than others. Head on over to register for the test of your choice, and please don’t be shy about reaching out to us if you have any questions.

We would love to help. Please call us at 512-222-7281 or email us at info@endeavoracademics.com so we can find a time to talk.

Executive Function Coaching